Dinamic had struck gold with Imagine when they began having their games published on their label. Classics such as Army Moves, and the not so classic Game Over (although the music rocked!).. and also this strange little effort which got … Continue reading →
This is one of the strangest games i’ve seen on a C64, mainly because of its originality of having a 2D sprite as the main character, and 3D vectors as the enemies. Pro-Does features different vector shapes which have to … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title highlighted by contributor Ricky Derocher, and which was due for release back in 1985 by Windham Classics – the same team that created classics such as Below the Root and Wizard of Oz. In … Continue reading →
The Horsekiller is a game by Robert Olessak, which is an unfinished sequel to his game called The Galleon. Sadly, only an intro was developed for the game – but an impressive intro it is! Maybe the programmer had ran … Continue reading →
Our next entry in the archives is a simple puzzler from 1995 which is described by Gamebase as being a Mastermind style game. To be honest, I only quickly loaded the game up to get a feel for it and … Continue reading →
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