1073 results for: Graphics = Unknown
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1984 Atarisoft

Back in the 1980’s, Atarisoft were doing official conversions for the Commodore 64. Vanguard was one of them! We learn of this conversion thanks to Mat Allen who has documented the conversion briefly in Digital Press. We hope to learn … Continue reading

Vegas Slot

1983 Anik

Advertised in many magazines, this was a title being sold by Anik Microsystems… however only two Anik games exist and seem to have been released on the C64. The advert describes the game as follows: "You’ll hand it to this … Continue reading

Vigilante V1

19?? Unknown

This was to be a conversion of the Irem arcade back around 1988 time by FIL/Sales Curve. Commodore User, September 1988 issue mentioned that French software company FIL had got the licence. UK representatives of FIL were The Sales Curve … Continue reading


1995 Unknown

Vitrus thumbnail

Vitrus sounds like a puzzler, but its nothing of the sort – and is actually a sort of Fly Harder/Thrust clone, where you must guide your ship through some tight caverns. It’s pretty unforgiving at this early stage, but it … Continue reading