Another combined entry for a series of titles, this time from Boston Educational Computing, Inc, which may or may not have been released. These have been highlighted to us thanks to Bertrand / Atari Frog. These were Commodore 64 titles … Continue reading →
Our next title comes from an advert which actually advertises about 2 other titles which never saw the light of day, Sabian Island and Solar Warrior. Bounce is mainly described in the advert as an arcade adventure on the planet … Continue reading →
Bounch is a very simple maze game where you must guide a ball to the end, which constantly moves when you get started. It’s sort of like a flat version of Codemaster’s Tilt game and its playable enough, but clear … Continue reading →
Our next entry is a double pack release which should have been sold by a company called I.G. Programs. It was reviewed in PCG 1984, Issue 8 and had an average score overall. Boxing was to be a simple boxing … Continue reading →
Boxing Manager was a fairly standard management affair which was released on the C64 back around 1987/88 and which seemed to be popular enough for the management mad company D&H to release a sequel. However, although mention in various adverts, … Continue reading →
A bizarre entry which was mentioned in the “Next Month” back pages of Commodore Format, Issue 3. They promised a review of this game for issue 4, but it never appeared. This was the only mention ever made of the … Continue reading →
A perhaps bad taste name for a game, this is a simple puzzler with some nice music and graphics – but doesn’t seem to have much to do at this stage. It seems that you are meant to just press … Continue reading →
Hmmm… not too much to say about this game, apart from that its a quiz game with a simple logo and some questions, where you get points for each one you get right. Not so much a "Brainstorm", with little … Continue reading →
This game and Pyramids of Time were supposed to be Firebird’s proof that budget games could be quality games too, according to sales manager of Telecomsoft, Martin Defries when he spoke to Soft magazine (1988, issue 2, pg. 9-10). In … Continue reading →
Not technically a C64 game, but kind of a tribute in certain ways.. and a game which certainly could have been a C64 game. Johan Boije from the Swedish Royal Academy of Arts made a game for their final exam … Continue reading →
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