1073 results for: Graphics = Unknown
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198? Unknown

Also known as: Queen Silvia

A slightly dodgy entry into the GTW archives which was highlighted thanks to contributors @DanTilert and @tommixhelsinki. Swedish magazine Datormagazin ran a short article on porn games in 1987, and within the article as the mention of a game called … Continue reading


198? OIC

‘Life on Planet Srexis is threatened!’ so starts the blurb describing the OIC Ltd game Sixers. The game is a grid based puzzle game but little more is known, simply because it is not known if the game was ever … Continue reading

Ski Run

1984 Boom Software

Ski Run thumbnail

Confirmed as released (thanks to Steven Flanagan) and can be found via Gamebase64: http://www.gamebase64.com/game.php?id=24659&d=18&h=0 http://www.gamebase64.com/game.php?id=23582&d=18&h=0 Case closed!


1989 U.S. Gold

I’ve always found it bizarre that US Gold’s Skweek game never saw a release on the C64, even though it was released on the 16-bits and also the Amstrad CPC.   The game was a cool tile based puzzler which was … Continue reading


1988 Unknown

Sky-Jack thumbnail

Sky-Jack is an odd platformer game, where at this early stage the player actually glides around, rather than jumps. I guess the preview was just to test some of the map and sprite mechanics, but little else at this stage. … Continue reading


1991 Microids

The C64 was not a huge success in France, with the Amstrad CPC the dominant 8-bit system. As a result, many French games which the C64 was more than capable of replicating were never released for it. Sliders is one … Continue reading


1987 Cascade

Slideways thumbnail

This GTW title is an unfortunate title which never got released for all the wrong reasons. Simon Birrell was just finishing university at the time, and he completed a multiscreen Arkanoid clone called "Slideways". He sold it to Cascade, who … Continue reading