1073 results for: Graphics = Unknown
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Tournament Golf

1990 Elite

Tournament Golf was to be a conversion of the Sega arcade game Arnold Palmer’s Tournament Golf for the C64. The only knowledge we have of such a conversion was from Elite’s very own website: http://www.elite-systems.co.uk/elite/htdocs/games.php?id=64 The game got a release … Continue reading

Tower Toppler

1988 Epyx

‘Tower Toppler’ was basically the American version of Nebulus…. and none other than John Romero of Doom fame was beind it apparently. Nebulus basically involved you controlling a frog which had to be guided up a tower, all the way … Continue reading

Toyota Rally

1991 Gremlin

A technically impressive game which you’d never expect to see on a C64, though Gremlin had other plans… They had managed to get Lotus converted to the C64 with success, so Toyota Rally didn’t seem that impossible to try too. … Continue reading


1987 Codemasters

Yet another Codemasters title that never was. This time, Codemasters put out an advert in a magazine – giving rates for conversions of their titles to other platforms. Transmuter was listed, with a £2500 bounty to convert from the Spectrum … Continue reading