A very interesting entry in the GTW archives comes in the form of Hyperion 2. The game has been sitting on FTP’s for a while now, but has a story behind it and also helped uncover something rather useful for … Continue reading →
Firstly… this is not the same as the Ocean version released version that came in around 1986/87… but Atarisoft were actually doing an official conversion themselves back in the early 80’s. We learn of this conversion thanks to Mat Allen … Continue reading →
Now I bet you didn’t expect to learn that Obliterator was also a planned C64 title?… No?… Well, if you’re an Amstrad user you have probably played it already, where as us C64 users have suffered without a conversion of … Continue reading →
A quick entry for a title which recently surfaced thanks to Magnar Harestad who dug out his own game preview and put on CSDB. This is a good little Dungeon Master style maze game which is in its early days. … Continue reading →
I remember all the hype when Worms was discovered by Amiga Format after they ran a competition for creating a game in Amos. The classic tank game with elevation and speed control had been turned into a fun multiplayer game. … Continue reading →
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