Steve Dunn did a few fair titles on the C64, but also had a few interesting unfinished/unreleased titles under his Backroom Software label. Blast was one of these titles which was a sort of Warhawk clone in its early stages … Continue reading →
Another GTW game from the 80’s, created by a company who call themselves ‘Backroom Software’, so obviously this wasn’t created in house. We believe that this game was actually created by Steve Dunn, who also did the Blast game in … Continue reading →
Yet another title from Backroom Software, and one of their earlier developments that has been flagged up by Dan Warren. It is believed that Backroom Software was none other than Steve Dunn, who did various C64 games such as Better … Continue reading →
Thunder Hawk is a vertically scrolling shooter built by Steve Dunn, who did a number of games on the C64, including Call Me Psycho. The game has been around the web for a while now, listed as being an Atlantis … Continue reading →
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