A very quick entry, but it seems that there exists a version of Trantor the Last Stormtrooper which features graphics by Paul (Dokk) Docherty. Paul Docherty wrote in a feature on C64.com that “I did some in-game graphics too, but … Continue reading →
Already there exists a TV game of the old classic TV series, but Domark decided to upgrade the old franchise on the C64 and soop up the aging Macmillan version which was already done. We don’t know exactly how far … Continue reading →
A short entry for a Grolier Electronic Publishing game spotted by Peter Weighill in an issue of Family Computing magazine October 1984. Treasure Hunter was described in the advert as follows: “Treasure Hunter which takes the whole family on an … Continue reading →
Believed to be part of what was meant to be a “Crazy” series, Trick Ramp Crazy was to follow Combat Crazy on the Silverbird range. It never surfaced, although being mentioned as a title for C64, Amstrad and Spectrum. It … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title that has been highlighted by Peter Weighill as one which is currently missing. A quiz game for 2 players or more, and billed as a “Terrific Party Game” and “No typing required”. Over 20 … Continue reading →
Advertised in the December 1985 issue of Commodore Computing International, Trigger Happy was a game to be released by Atlantis Software. Not the same Atlantis Software we all know, as they changed company name the next month to Satellite Software … Continue reading →
Yet another game which was due for release by Kele Line back in 1987. And this seems to be yet another title which was caught up in the bankruptcy of the company back in late 1987. The only mention of … Continue reading →
Trivia is a rather old quiz game which was mentioned in a catelogue for Creative Software. They said: "Scan your neurons for those obscure facts you thought were forever embedded in your subconscious. Sports, TV and Movies, History, Science and … Continue reading →
A game being produced by R Pedersen, who developed a number of games which never made the light of day. The games were all made in MSDOS first, then ported easily over to the C64 and Apple machines. This game … Continue reading →
A very quick entry, as this could well be vapourware. The original TT Racer sadly never got a C64 release, but strangely there was a news snippet in Commodore User which suggested that a new TT Racer 2 game was … Continue reading →