Released on the Atari, Vic 20 and TI-99/4A, this was an educational spelling game. The game was additionally advertised for the Commodore 64, but has never surfaced for reasons currently unknown. At present, the only known Romox game that has … Continue reading →
Again thanks to Cybergoth, we are able to mention yet another Activision game which has not seen the light of day, and one which has a lot of mystery surrounding it… mainly because we’ve never bloody heard of it until … Continue reading →
From what looks like a compilation, Ultra Games was some kind of gaming olympics title. An Epyx-style olympics game, with each event being a particular genre of computer game. Mentioned within the news pages of Zzap 64, the following 9 … Continue reading →
Another combination entry for what might possibly be just a hunt for titles that are yet to be preserved. Thanks to Allan Pinkerton, its been highlighted that a number of Unicorn Software educational titles are still at large. Check out … Continue reading →
A very short entry for a title believed to be by Jukka TapanimÁ¤ki. There is nothing playable, but found on some of Jukka’s disks was a short demo showing a selection menu to show different graphic segments. These seem to … Continue reading →
This is a very short stub entry for now for a game called Unknown boat game, which was a concept for a Commodore 64 game that was highlighted on Viktor T. Toth’s website. We know very little at this stage … Continue reading →
This is a very short stub entry for now for a game called Unknown Chinese puzzle game, which was a concept for a Commodore 64 game that was highlighted on Viktor T. Toth’s website. We know very little at this … Continue reading →
Whilst having a quick sift through Nick Taylor’s Liverpool FC disks, I found some graphics which seem to be for a Cult Software football game – going by the billboard graphics. Cult were mostly known for their Football management game, … Continue reading →
This is a very short stub entry for now for a game called Unknown four-part game, which was a concept for a Commodore 64 game that was highlighted on Viktor T. Toth’s website. We know very little at this stage … Continue reading →
UPDATE: It has been confirmed by Michael Hart that this game was released as Narnia in 1984 and can be found in Gamebase64. Case closed! A short entry for a title which we know little about, but was flagged up … Continue reading →
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