What is it with previews which seem to have spent all the time and effort on graphics and titles, but no actual game to play with it too? Get Ready is another such title where it seems a lot of … Continue reading →
Thanks to Jazzcat for the heads up about this game, which was shown recently on the developer’s website. The game was a RPG title, with a large world with 16 different countries, 32 dungeons, four different breeds, elaborate, personal character … Continue reading →
I always regret not growing up when the likes of "Ghosts and Goblins" came out on the C64, and being able to go out and buy the game as soon as it was launched… I could have possibly gone out … Continue reading →
Gravity is a neat looking two player preview, where you must take the control of two ships who have to blast each other to pieces on a still screen. The winner is the player who does not lose all their … Continue reading →
Gravity was strangely to be a game about Graffiti – but you wouldn’t have guessed it from the title! It was a title written by John Vanderaart – but are not sure who for! The game was described by Dutch … Continue reading →
A mixture of Puzznic and Boulderdash in our next puzzle game within the depths of GTW. The plot is a little thin on this nice looking puzzler, with no instructions to explain exactly what to do. This looks a fairly … Continue reading →
An early preview from the days when the C64 was riding high commercially. Griffin could easily be thought of as a Rastan clone of sorts, and I say that as the main character is ripped from Rastan. However it isn’t. … Continue reading →
A strange little preview by Thomas Miegel, involving somekind of space craft doing duties over various landscapes. HAWK is based on INTENSITY by Andrew Braybrook – the aim is to rescue people. You control one vehicle, press fire to land … Continue reading →
Heartlight 64 is a nice early single screen Boulderdash clone created by the author of Assembloids which sadly seems to have been abandoned. Featuring some nice effective graphics, it still feels a little raw – but its perfectly playable and … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for a title which would take over 20 years to finally be completed and appear on the C64, when it was intended originally for release back around the early-mid 1990s. By the same creators as Crime … Continue reading →
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