312 results for: Company = Unknown
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199? Unknown

Moppel thumbnail

Another very early preview, Moppel is a simplistic side scroller where you control some guy that I think is in a wheelchair and scrolls across a city landscape. It’s quite simple, and apart from the scrolling and some little animations, … Continue reading


19?? Unknown

Mystery thumbnail

This preview certainly is a mystery, and we guess this was a working title for a game cracked by Russ Michaels from his Ironfist days. This is a simple multi-directional scroller where you control a space ship within a maze. … Continue reading

New Clowns

199? Unknown

A game brought to GTW’s attention by contributor Zeldin. Zeldin had coded a very early (but playable) demo version of a game called “New Clowns”. This was to have been a polished version of the old classic “Clowns” arcade game … Continue reading