Side scrolling shooters are a popular genre on the C64, and Squad Force Five is adding to the proof of that. A game that was in development around 2011. The HUD, sprites and attack waves all look pretty good – … Continue reading →
There are two games with this odd name, and this one in particular is a completely different more established game which has more going on. There are title pages and even a loading screen for this one Here you control … Continue reading →
There are two games with this odd name, and this one in particular is an earlier title which has you controlling a space ship that flies across a simple looking terrain. There isn’t much else at this stage with the … Continue reading →
Squid is a cute little single screen preview which has some nice hi-res overlaid sprites which move around and which you must avoid. The game isn’t fully playable and just allows you to jump around the map and interact with … Continue reading →
We’re not sure exactly what you’re meant to do in Stone, so if anyone knows – please let us know. We thought it was some kind of pairs game, but couldn’t get anything to happen. It might be that the … Continue reading →
Stoned isn’t a game about drugs, but a puzzler which seems to be based on Columns. It’s again from that era when puzzlers were everywhere, but this one in particular was looking pretty polished. It isn’t 100% playable at this … Continue reading →
A very bizarre name for a game which seems to be nothing to do with Captain Hook, and is just a vertical scroller where you have two ships that are scrolling upwards. There isn’t much going on apart from a … Continue reading →
A game once released on the cover of Zzap 64 back in the day, a cool galaxian type game by the creators of Orcus and possibly using some of its sprites. Haydn said this about the game… "Me, Mike Ager … Continue reading →
A nice looking puzzle game, where you control a hi-res overlayed ball character which follows a path of tiles around a multiscrolling map, avoiding other hi-res overlayed enemies. It’s a little frustrating back tracking paths when creatues start to come … Continue reading →
This may have just been something knocked up to score some cheap points, but then there was a Super Ball game released a year previously: Super Ball 2 just seems to be the same game, but turned on its … Continue reading →
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