A short entry for a title flagged up in conversation with its developer Joe Alter. We are unsure what the game was, but found a magazine advert in US-based Creative Computing Magazine in 1985 which seems to be advertising it. … Continue reading →
Necromancer 2 is a strange game which is a clone of Ultimate’s classic 3D games, such as Knightlore and Alien 8. What is mostly strange about this game, is that it also runs on a Vic 20 too.. this got … Continue reading →
Back in 1985, CU reviewed Nexus for the C64 under the Beyond label, but it never surfaced. In June 1986, CU did a preview of the game and explained that the original game was held up as Beyond were taken … Continue reading →
Nuclear Nick was one of a few titles advertised by Electric Dreams back in issue 8 of Zzap 64 games. Nuclear Nick was to be part of a double pack with a game called Scooter. It never quite surfaced, but … Continue reading →
A short collective entry for a series of Commodore 64 adventures that are currently missing and were advertised for a long period of time in Computer Shopper magazine in 1986. Flagged up by Bertrand / Atari Frog. These were three … Continue reading →
“An adventure of mystery and suspense, based around the London South Bank” – as described in the advert which was printed by CVG back in the day. Old Scores is yet another adventure game, and a graphic text adventure by … Continue reading →
Panzadrome was to be a neat little tank action game (top down approach) by Ram Jam Corporation on various machines including the C64. It was based in a maze type arena, going around and blowing up various other tanks on … Continue reading →
A short entry for what is a significant earlier version of Paradroid, which was revealed by Andrew Braybook via Twitter. The screenshots below come from Andrew’s negative archive, showing an early version with the player’s gun-sight that moves along in … Continue reading →
This is a short entry highlighted to us by Vinny Mainolfi, who spotted a news item talking about the new Parky the Penguin game. The same news item talks about a sequel which was due out not long afterwards, featuring … Continue reading →
Pegasus had its beginnings in the basement of a kebab shop in Gravesend in Kent, where Chris Neary, who had done the graphics for The Evil Dead in 1983, along with Duncan Rigden and Stuart Brown, got together to make … Continue reading →
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