Another exciting title from the authors of Armalyte, Cyberdyne Systems. This time we were to be treated with a sooped up version of Sinistar from the arcades, with an awesome looking starfield effect and some superb graphics by Rob Levy. … Continue reading →
Forumites on Lemon 64 were happily surprised on the 4th August 2014, when the developer of a long lost adventure game of Scooby Doo was recovered and uploaded for the first time in over 20 years, after being recovered from … Continue reading →
“Take the part of Al Wrong in his quest for his first sexual experience” That’s the opening description for a game that was found hidden away on Ashley Routledge’s CNet download disks. Uploaded to CNet by P.Hardcastle of P.H.Atholsoft and … Continue reading →
A quick entry for now for a very early Antiriad style game, with a very similar protagonist that flies and walks around a simple map at the moment. Not much is known about the demo, though a very early preview … Continue reading →
Yes… another game which did eventually get a release, but did you know that Shinobi was originally being developed by another team at Binary Design? No?… Well sit down and i’ll guide you through…. Originally Haydn Dalton was assigned to … Continue reading →
Shutdown is a game which has recently come to light thanks to the guys over at the World of Spectrum and a entry on their website. Taken directly from the World of Spectrum entry, Dean Hickingbottom recalls… “This game was … Continue reading →
Our next title is a graphic text adventure that was being produced by St. Brides and was started as far back as 1985. Featured in issue 45 of Sinclair User in particular when the School team was working on a … Continue reading →
I’ve always found it bizarre that US Gold’s Skweek game never saw a release on the C64, even though it was released on the 16-bits and also the Amstrad CPC. The game was a cool tile based puzzler which was … Continue reading →
A complicated looking game which was mean’t to be released on the C64 in 1989… but never surfaced. The game did surface on the likes of the Amiga and ST. Featuring some impressive 3D work for its time… could the … Continue reading →
It seems this one almost went under and missed the GTW scanner. This was brought to the attention of GTW thanks to the Lemon 64 forum and a member asking about the whereabouts of the C64 version of this game. … Continue reading →
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