During the development of Lemmings on the C64, E&E were to work on a conversion of the Gremlin classic ‘Zool’ At first it was all about trying to find a publisher to take on the game. Gremlin at first showed … Continue reading →
Zorro in Wonderland was a game that had a preview sneaked out many moons ago, but nothing was really known about it. Ruben Spaans in 2012 sheds some light on the game: “This was just a “test game” I wrote … Continue reading →
Zrenite was a game worked on by graphic artist Wayne Billingham with a friend from school named Anthony Wilder. The game was worked on after school for years, and finally it was signed up by Hi Tec in 1992. Sadly … Continue reading →
A strange name, but a very nice and colourful bomberban clone. Zwei Bereten is a two player bomberman clone, featuring some very snazzy and colourful graphics, wonderful titles and screens aswell for extra polish. Sonically just as impressive too :) … Continue reading →
A game that has been knocking about a bit in the archives, by the creator of another title in the GTW vaults called Bimz. This title compared to the Bjarke’s previous game is a lot more ambitious, with a flick … Continue reading →
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