Yet another puzzler in production for the C64, and unfortunatly very similar to many other puzzlers which have been on the C64 already. Nice colourful graphics, but that is about it. Nothing much else new to offer in the way … Continue reading →
Turner Software was the label by Commodore Cracker’s editor Brian Turner. This was his own label where he attempted to inject some new C64 games into the market to save the machine from dying. Unfortunately the games were just to … Continue reading →
I’m kind of surprised we didn’t have an entry for this game sooner in GTW64. This is another Paul Kubiszyn game which never saw the light of day and was being developed around the time Commodore Format were still going … Continue reading →
Briefly mentioned in an issue of Commodore Cracker, there was a brief news item saying that the conversion of Uefa Cup Soccer for the C64 was looking seriously delayed. It never surfaced unsurprisingly, and was most likely vapourware. Note in … Continue reading →
Vitrus sounds like a puzzler, but its nothing of the sort – and is actually a sort of Fly Harder/Thrust clone, where you must guide your ship through some tight caverns. It’s pretty unforgiving at this early stage, but it … Continue reading →
Also known as: Wilberforce: The Sorcerer's Apprentice
For this game, we go back to when the C64 was dying out, or at least Commodore Format was, and there was a little spurt of new games coming from various sources. One such game was ‘Wilberforce’, which looked like … Continue reading →
A mini battle game, and even though it looks like a type-in game, its quite addictive in its own little way. It’s somekind of Combat clone, with a larger play area and smaller characters. It’s somehow very playable, just by … Continue reading →
A promising game from the once promising Cherry Software. Coded by Taboo, the style of game was to be a cross between Flashback and Impossible Mission. The intro features a stunning 3D filled vector car driving around with fluid movement … Continue reading →
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