UPDATE: It has been confirmed by Michael Hart that this game was released as Narnia in 1984 and can be found in Gamebase64. Case closed!
A short entry for a title which we know little about, but was flagged up by Zdrmonster, where a video on K-Byte shows an unknown game running. This was posted about thanks to GDRI.
It seems to depict a yellow character that is running around a top down/2.5D viewpoint, possibly collecting green circles and avoiding Mr Do style enemies and a wizard character on the left side.
Contributions: Zdrmonster, Jim Hock, GDRI, Michael Hart
Supporting content
Available downloads
- icecastles (mp4)
Update history
07/02/25 – Confirmed as released (Narnia) – case closed!
The game shown is definitely Narnia, released for C64 and Apple II (both in the same package on a flippy disk). It was something of an unusual title in that it came with dice and cards intended to be an integral part of the game. The dice are rolled to determine the winner in battles against various enemies. Other times, cards are drawn which can give or take away hearts or points. A copy of the book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, was included in the box, and the manual included a guide for parents and teachers with questions for discussion with their children / students. A second title in the same vein, Dawn Treader, was released too.
That’s brilliant! Thanks so much for finding and locating what the game was. I’ll update the page and close the case! :)