MW4 design notes (Autumn 2002) ------------------------------ MW4: Agents of Metal -------------------- is (will be) an immersive 2D action/adventure game, in spirit of modern FPS- like games (such as Deus Ex) and oldschool action games (such as Turrican) MW4 has a flexible and advanced engine, including - Freedirectional scrolling with full color-RAM scrolling - 24 sprite multiplexing - State-based AI routines - "Actors" consisting of many parts - Multithreaded C-like scripting language, with 1 MB maximum code size through paging - Dynamic memory management - Device compatibility: PAL/NTSC, 1541/71 fastloader or Kernal routine loader, benefits from REU, SCPU and SuperRAM MW4 Description --------------- "After an otherworldly Encounter, Ian is recruited by the Agents of Metal, a covert Organisation sworn to uncover Conspiracies of and out of this World. But soon he finds himself Against the World, on the run from both of his own and an ancient sectarian Brotherhood. With the aid of a few other Rebel Agents, he must get to the bottom of the Conspiracy before it's too Late." The organizations ----------------- - Agents of Metal * Uphold Freedom, Metal & Might * Funded by an unknown organization * Enemies of the SCEPTRE - Sectarian Chosen Elite Privileged To Rule & Exterminate * A sect/secret organization/terrorist group * Seeks to rule the world (some claim it already does so) * Has its tentacles everywhere... * Has built a Grid of satellites to shield the world from extraterrestials, esp. The Sentinels - The Sentinels * "Benevolent" alien race * The Grid keeps them from Earth airspace, however one craft remains trapped within - Reptilian Godz * Ruled the humans long ago * Driven out by the Sentinels - The Legion * Above top secret organization that has been recruiting operatives from Agents and from SCEPTRE * Using Reptilian technology, they plan to rule Earth openly. Both SCEPTRE & the Agents are going to be eradicated * By revealing their Plan partially, they have lured Agency & SCEPTRE leaders to co-operate. - SCEPTRE will benefit from chaos created by Reptilian IAC sightings & attacks, destruction of the Agency has been promised - Agents have been promised the destruction of SCEPTRE. In his delusioned mind, Agency leader Blackhand has planned to let the Legion take control and then "save the world" by kicking their ass * Top members - Ahriman, leader & knower of the reptilian myth - Lilith, torture expert / mind manipulator MW4 Plot & Missions ------------------- - Introduction (road? studio?) * Attack of Reptilian IAC, Ian "dies" * Blinding light seen, bandmates disappear * Agents arrive, to recruit - Agent familiarization & training - Street Warfare * Patrol Sub-City, get message of a nearby SCEPTRE StreetOps unit * Apprehend their leader on the rooftop, of a warehouse * IAC sighted again - IAC crash site in jungle * Agent team sent, Ian with them * IAC selfdestructs, killing one Agent * Hovercar blown up by SCEPTRE, extraction denied - Return to Agency HQ * Ian accused of killing teammate (sunglass video feed replaced with that of a SCEPTRE soldier), thrown in a cell * Blowfish helps to get out, objectives: * Plant transmitter on StreetOps leader, set him free * Plant network sniffer * Get encrypted videofeed backups (optional) * Escape by stealing hovercar - SCEPTRE Erehwon Facility (optional) * Rescue Agent Cyris, who is eager to join Rebel Agent team - Establish Rebel Agent Base * Break into a Router station, plant wireless link * Plant other link onto Hideout rooftop * After doing this... - The Abduction * The Sentinels speak cryptically of the Reptilian Godz... * If got the "device" from Erehwon, free to explore ship - Rebel Agent Base * Blowfish now receives transmitter data -> SCEPTRE Command Node location - SCEPTRE Command Node * Plant network sniffer * Learn of other SCEPTRE facilities (optional) Erehwon (if not known yet), Weapon/Bio research, Grid Control * Confirm that SCEPTRE suffers from same problem (disappearing operatives) (optional) * Use SCEPTRE mainframe to decrypt videofeed (optional) - Rebel Agent Base * With sniffers at both locations, Blowfish analyzes the traffic and finds a common router that is not supposed to exist - The Legion Training Camp * This is where the router is located * Find references to Ahriman, Legion leade * Find vague references to the "Plan" (optional) * Examine Lilith's quarters for documentation of her experiments (optional - back when she was in SCEPTRE, she was responsible of the "mindwipes" in MW3) * On the way out, a recruited Agent wants to be "rescued". He is none other than Sadok, who either - didn't die in MW2 - is an android with inhuman regenerative capabilities - has been cloned 3 times... "This time I got into too deep shit" - Agency HQ (optional) * If have the decrypted the videofeed, innocence is proven and Agents will no longer be hostile * Chat with Blackhand (Agency leader): He apologizes but refuses to explain things, and warns of getting too deep... - Sub-City in ruins (optional) * After investigating the Camp, IACs strike again. Sub-City is in ruins, and infected with an unknown organism * Examine Sub-City, collect samples of organism * Infiltrate SCEPTRE weapon/bio research, and compare to their extensive database; no matches found, organism is likely extraterrestial - Rebel Agent Base * Blowfish suggests to raid SCEPTRE Command Node again, to search their archives on "Ahriman" - SCEPTRE Command Node (again) * Search Archives for Ahriman - Ahriman was supposed to take his father Sekhmet's place in the SCEPTRE High Council, after his retirement. Instead, he vanished * Send contact signal for Sekhmet * After doing this, communication from SCEPTRE Council "We have observed your progress. Let's make a deal. You don't interfere in SCEPTRE's further operations or destroy any ... technology we might find useful, and we will make sure no further ... incidents happen to you, or your friends." * Search Archives for any other names (optional) - Sekhmet's Mansion * Ian has to come alone * Sekhmet reveals several things - He wished for Balance between the covert Organizations, so he funded the Agency - Ahriman apparently lost his mind after a trip to the Antarctic, he became obsessed with Reptilian Godz and the idea that he might be their descendant - Sekhmet will also thell of the Grid if asked: a plan to keep Sentinels out until SCEPTRE are equal to them and can fight them openly and eradicate them :) He reveals the Grid facility access code * After this, Legion troops attack * Escape in Sekhmet's private jet * But the pilot is an imposter, and has set bomb onboard! He also shoots Sekhmet before he can reveal the place where Ahriman runs his operations * Parachute Joust, and skydive battle follows - Antarctic * Encounter Agents (hostile or not), find frozen "city" * Find Reptilian scriptures and image of Mayan temple - Rebel Agent Base, last time * Blowfish has hacked into Area 51 network and found flight paths of the IAC's. They seem to be originating from a single point * With the image of the temple, everything becomes clear: a Mayan temple is indeed in that area * By using their own methods of network traffic analysis the Legion has found the Rebel Base and will attack * Blowfish killed (?), Sadok & Cyris possibly killed - Agents arrive on scene * Blackhand now believes in Ian's innocence no matter what happened earlier. He now regrets his deal, but doesn't reveal it yet... * Agents will launch a major offensive against the temple, but they'll give the Rebel Agents (or what is left of them) some advance time - Temple * Gain total knowledge of the Plan including deals made with Agency & SCEPTRE leaders (optional) * Reach the Reptilian Mothership * When it's taking off, duel with Lilith * Blackhand has followed, but is killed, asks Ian to warn the Agents * Warn Agents of the mothership (optional) - Grid Facility (optional) * This can also be done earlier * Shutdown the Grid to allow Sentinels to access Earth & enlighten humans :) - Area 51 * Message from Blowfish: "You thought plump BOFHs would die that easily? I'm now getting IAC sightings all across the globe, did they take off? Anyway, I managed to uncover the location & access codes to Area 51. I believe there's something you can use to catch them." * Inflitrate the underground hangar and steal a Reptilian Interceptor IAC - Mothership * Dock * Kick ass to reach the bridge * Duel Ahriman * Blow up the ship, or disable the IACs & land the ship Ending matrix ------------- SHIP DESTROYED / GRID REMAINS / AGENTS KILLED * Eternally running from SCEPTRE? SHIT DESTROYED / GRID REMAINS / AGENTS ALIVE * Agents swear to protect Ian & co. SHIP LANDED / GRID REMAINS / AGENTS KILLED * SCEPTRE thanks for co-operation SHIP LANDED / GRID REMAINS / AGENTS ALIVE * Agents transport the ship to "safety" SHIP DESTROYED / GRID INACTIVE / AGENTS KILLED * Sentinels appear & abduct Ian & co. until SCEPTRE forgets them? SHIP DESTROYED / GRID INACTIVE / AGENTS ALIVE * Enlightenment of Agents by the Sentinels SHIP LANDED / GRID INACTIVE / AGENTS KILLED * Sentinels teleport / blow up the ship SHIP LANDED / GRID INACTIVE / AGENTS ALIVE * Sentinels allow Agents to take the ship, but will keep an eye on them - Finding bandmates * Agony (drummer), can be found in Subicty and be persuaded to leave it before IAC's attack * Lord Obskurious (bass/vocals): committed into asylum as he became violent/ unstable after the abduction * Phantasm (lead guitar): * On Sentinel motherhip upto their Arrival * In Sub-City after that * After Sub-City's destruction, at Goat's cabin, planning her private war against the IACs Will join Rebel Agents! MW4 levels (maps) Screens ----------------- - Intro level: Road 10 - Agency HQ entrance 5 - Agency HQ level 1 (public) 40 - Agency HQ level 2 ("forbidden") 30 - Sub-City Streets / Buildings 50 - Sub-City warehouse 10 - Jungle IAC site 25 - Jungle SCEPTRE encampment 25 - Jungle River 25 - Router Station / Rebel Agent Hideout 15 - Forest / Goat's Cabin 20 - SCEPTRE Command Node outside 15 - SCEPTRE Command Node inside 50 - SCEPTRE Erehwon underwater entrance 15 - SCEPTRE Erehwon facility / Island 30 - SCEPTRE Weapon / Bio research 30 - SCEPTRE Grid Control 20 - Legion Camp Router Station / Mountains 25 - Legion Camp Perimeter 25 - Legion Camp Inside 25 - Sub-City Ruins 30 - Sekhmet's Mansion Grounds / Airstrip 10 - Sekhmet's Mansion Inside 20 - Sekhmet's Private Jet 5 - Sekhmet's Jet Outside / Sky Dive 20 - Antarctic Plains 50 - Antarctic Caves ("city") 30 - Temple Grounds 25 - Temple Inside 40 - Area 51 Perimeter 20 - Area 51 Underground Hangars 30 - Reptilian Mothership 50 - Reptilian Mothership Bridge / Energy Core 15 - The Sentinels Craft (Abduction) 15 - The Asylum (?) 20 - Record Company / Studio (?) 20 - Outro: Landed Interceptor / Ship 10 ------- 900? Travel Screen ------------- - Certain levels can only be reached in certain modes of transportation; to maintain covertness * SCEPTRE/Legion facilities, Antarctica, Area 51 - Black Hovercar * Reptilian Mothership - Reptilian Interceptor Sub-City / Mansion / Rebel Agent hideout - On foot, car, whatever - Level must be exited in same way as entered Mission summary --------------- Minimal 1. Street Warfare 2. Jungle Crash Site 3. Escape 4. Rebel Hideout / Abduction 5. SCEPTRE Command Node 6. Legion Training Camp 7. SCEPTRE Command Node (again) 8. Sekhmet's Mansion / Skydive 9. Antarctic 10. Rebel Hideout Siege 11. Temple 12. Area 51 13. Reptilian Mothership Maximal 1. Street Warfare 2. Erehwon 3. Jungle Crash Site 4. Escape 5. Rebel Hideout / Abduction 6. SCEPTRE Command Node 7. Return to Agency HQ 8. Legion Training Camp 9. Sub-City Ruins 10. SCEPTRE Bio/Weapon Facility 11. SCEPTRE Command Node (again) 12. Forest / Goat's Cabin 13. Sekhmet's Mansion / Skydive 14. Antarctic 15. Rebel Hideout Siege 16. Temple 17. SCEPTRE Grid Facility 18. Area 51 19. Reptilian Mothership Minimal Rebel Agent Team: Ian, Blowfish Maximal Reble Agent Team: Ian, Blowfish, Cyris, Sadok, Phantasm Ideas/Changes ------------- - Hovercar loses power over Area 51, Ian parachutes, comrade Agent thought dead until Abduction after escape from mothership; Sentinels had lifted him/her aboard - Sentinels restore Joan's ability to wail & kick ass (if she was in the hovercar and thus lifted aboard) - Methods of disabling the mothership * Sabotage; blows up * Confront Ahriman and shutdown controlledly - Sentinels will dematerialize it into another dimension, if possible (Grid shut down) - Main motive in the game: to seek the "truth" beyond this world Inventory system (new), abilities & Agent Drugs ----------------------------------------------- - Weapons, Ammo, Medikits & Nanotechnic enhancements have weight (keycards etc. don't) - Max. carried amount is determined by weight combined total - Items can be dropped by holding FIRE+DOWN for 1 second; in contrast USE happens by releasing FIRE+DOWN sooner - Important zero-weight items can't be dropped (?) - Agent has STR (carrying capacity, melee dmg.) AGI (movement & acceleration) VIT (max. hitpoints) ratings and these acan be increased by installing nanotech enhancements at Surgical stations - Armor system can be upgraded; this requires no additional tools TIME 00:00:00 CONSPIRACY 000% STR:1 AGI:1 VIT:1 ARM:2 KILLS 000 KO 000 HW.DMG 000 LOAD 010/050KG HP 048/048 Status screen 1 Status screen 2 - Agent drugs can be used to momentarily enhance AGI/VIT/STR (however, not carrying capacity) or to heal rapidly - Too much use within time unit leads to side-effect (poisoning) Weapons ------- Name Spd Ammo Capacity Weight DMG Dartgun Darts 4 0,5 10 (NL) 9mm Pistol 9x19 17 0,6 6 .45 Pistol .45ACP 12 0,7 7 .45 Silenced Pistol .45ACP 12 1,1 6 .44 Magnum Pistol .44Magnum 8 1,6 12 9mm Mini Submachinegun 1 9x19 20 1,5 6 (*) 9mm Submachinegun 1 9x19 30 2,0 6 (*) .45 Submachinegun 1 .45ACP 30 2,2 7 (*) Pump-Action Shotgun 6 12Gauge 8 3,5 7x2 (**) Auto Shotgun 3 12Gauge 10 4,5 7x2 (**) 5.56 Assault Rifle 2(?) 5.56 30 3,5 12 (*) 7.62 Assault Rifle 2(?) 7.62 20 4,5 14 (*) 5.56 Light Machinegun 1 5.56 100 6,5 12 (*) 7.62 Machine gun 1 7.62 100 10 14 (*) 7.62 Minigun 1 7.62 50 12 16 (*) Damage/sec Damage/clip 9mm Mini SMG 50 80 9mm SMG 50 120 .45 SMG 62,5 140 5.56 AR 62,5 300 7.62 AR 75 280 5.56 MG 125 1000 7.62 MG 150 1200 7.62 MiniG 175 700 (*) = Random reduction of 0-3 from damage (**) = damage reduced by distance (1pt/every 32 pixels)