Well, thanks to Stadium 64, we have quite a nice description of this game, which we think was from a small write up on the game, so we may as well plug right into it considering how rushed off our … Continue reading →
A game which has been puzzling Stadium 64 for some years now, and we’ve been asked to put an entry on the site in the hope of solving this long mystery. It has a game which has been searched … Continue reading →
A rather interesting entry for an unofficial conversion of Space Ace for the C64. Not the same as the planned version being done by Empire Software in 1990-91, but a version way back in 1987/88 by Gregg Kustudic and his … Continue reading →
Boom Software had a number of titles advertised in 1984 for the Commodore 64, including this game. We know very little about this particular title apart from getting a very generic description from the advert itself. Compared to the other … Continue reading →
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