Our collection of unreleased game entries/reviews across all platforms, not broken down by platform. See the main Unreleased Games area for a breakdown by platform. Use the A-Z index below to navigate and select a page to view.
Please refer to our Vic 20 and Commodore 64 areas for the dedicated archives we have for those platforms. There is also the Amiga GTW page too.
- A.T.A.C: Advanced Tactical Air Command
- Abducted
- Access Denied
- AcePak Software Titles
- Adrenaline Factor
- Adventure of the MummyHead
- Aggression
- Alien Garden
- Alien Resurrection
- Alien Trilogy
- Alien VS Predator: Nightmare on Ryushi
- Aliens: Colonial Marines (PS2)
- Alive
- Ambermoon
- Animal Games / Jungle Olympics
- Ankhrapt
- Another World
- Aphasia
- Apocalypse 2
- Archer Maclean’s Atari concepts
- Arganos
- Astar: Land In Flammen
- Atari Results Program
- Atomic Lunch
- Attack of the Mutant Camels ’89
- Attack of the Mutant Zombie Flesh Eating Chickens from Mars
- Captain Seahawk
- Carmageddon
- Carmageddon TV
- Castlevania Resurrection
- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
- Caveman Species
- Champions
- Channel 8 Software games
- Chess through the ages
- Chess Wars
- Chintos Revenge
- Chokegisen
- Chopper Attack
- Chuck’s World
- Citizens: Backwater Affairs
- Claws of the Devil
- Cold Steel
- Combat Remix
- Company of Heroes
- Confuzion
- Conquest
- Conquest – lost Larry DeMar game
- Constructor
- Construxion
- Cookie
- Cool Herders
- Creation
- Creatures
- Creatures 2
- Crimetown Depths
- Cruise Attack
- Cubic Critters
- Cult
- Cutiepoo
- Cyber Assault
- Cyber Fight
- Cyberdyne Warrior
- Cyberspace
- Daffy Duck
- Danny Duster’s Dirty Deeds
- Dark Chamber
- Dark Mission
- Dark Tower
- Deathwatch
- Deep Scan
- Defender
- Dennis and Gnasher
- Der Schatz im Silbersee
- Desert Moves
- Dick Special series
- Die Hard 2: Die Harder
- Dino Crisis
- Dino Worlds
- Dinosaurs
- Dizzy Returns
- Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror
- Donkey Kong Jnr.
- Donkey Kong Jr.
- Dragon
- Dreamland Chronicles: Freedom Ridge
- Drop Soldier
- Duster
- Dwagons
- Mancopter
- Mario Bros
- Mars Cops
- MARSOC: US Marine Corps Special Ops
- Martwa Strefa
- Masters Golf
- Mayhem in Monsterland
- Mega lo Mania 2
- Mega Twins
- MegaTraveller 3: The Unknown Worlds
- Mercenary
- Mercenary II – Damocles
- Metal Gear
- Metal-On-Metal
- MetalMorphis
- Mighty Max
- Missile Command
- Missing Train Simulations
- Monster Muncher
- Monster Truck Wars
- Moon Patrol clone
- Moonsweeper
- Moto-X
- Muffett
- Mutant Speed Demons
- Myth: History in the Making
- Pac-Land V1
- Panic Button
- Paradroid 90 and Total Recall (Graftgold)
- Parasol Stars
- Parisian Knights
- Penguin Tower
- Perplexus Diodomin
- Peter Pan’s Daring Escape
- PFA Soccer Manager
- Phantom: The Ghost Who Walks and Mandrake: Shadow of the Vehme prototypes
- Planet 10
- PlatterMania
- Popie
- Power Crystal
- Prehistorik Kart
- Puggsy 2
- Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt
- Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice
- Pussyfootin’
- Putty Squad
- Putty Squad (Gameboy Colour)
- Ramrod
- Ray Trace VS The Megadeath Aliens
- Realms of Darkness
- Resolution
- Restrictor
- Retro
- Return of the Tiger
- Return to Fractulas
- Riamel: Black Prophecy
- Rick Dangerous
- Riftwar Saga
- Rise of the Robots
- Robocop and Gen 13
- Robocop Vs Terminator (NES)
- Rocket Rescue
- Rogue Trooper
- Rollerbabes
- Rollerball
- Rolling Thunder
- Rookies
- Rotator
- S.U.B
- Sagan Om Ringen
- Samhain
- Santa Monica FC European Challenge
- Saragossa
- Scavenger
- Scooby Doo in the Castle Mystery
- Secret of the 7th Labyrinth
- Sergei – The Showdown (At the Isle of Belphegor)
- Shadowfire 3
- Sherlock Holmes in Under the Boardwalk
- Shut In
- SimMars
- Sir Stanley Matthews
- Skitchin’
- Slightly Spooky (Amiga, Spectrum)
- Slime
- Snow Bros
- Soccer Kid (Atari Jaguar)
- Soccer Nation
- Son of Zeus
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Space Vultures
- Spectrum Games – missing titles
- Speed Type
- Spellbound Dizzy Lite
- Spitfire Fury
- Squibbly Shibbly
- Star Control III
- Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
- Star Trek: A World For All Seasons
- Starfighter Ace
- Stargate
- Stargate
- Starring Charlie Chaplin
- Street Fighter 2
- Strider 2
- Stunt Car Racer Pro
- Stuntman Seymour
- Subtraddition
- Super Ant Attack
- Super Barbarian
- Super Skweek
- Superhero
- Survivor Run
- System IIII game catalogue
- Tac-Scan
- Tantalus
- Team SAS
- Thalimar: Land of Chaos
- That was the Mega-CD Game That Wasnt
- The Big End
- The Cliffhanger – Edward Randy
- The Connoiseur and other Atari prototypes
- The Eye of the Moon
- The Fall Guy
- The Gadget Twins
- The Godfather
- The Great Giana Sisters
- The Hand of St James
- The Heist – Released on Atari / IBM PC * jr?
- The hunt for Kanaan
- The Killing Tool
- The King’s Ransom
- The Last Job
- The Last Ninja
- The Last Starfighter
- The Legend of Billy Boulder
- The Living Daylights
- The Magic Mirror series (Games 3-5)
- The Magician’s Castle
- The Mind Possessing Aliens from Hyperspace
- The Mindwarp
- The Ravaging
- Thrust
- Tier, Das: Die Rückkehr Des Bösen
- Tilt
- Time Bomb
- Time Capsule
- Time Lord
- Tir Na Nog
- Tomahawk (incorrect title)
- Tomb Raider Anniversary
- Tork
- Track and Field
- Transformers
- Treasure Tails
- Trivia UK
- Trojan
- Trunkski
- Truxz
- Turbo Charge
- Turrican 3
- Two Games That Werent (and sadly never will be)
- Two hearts and a chickenpot