Danger Zone


Status: Full Game, Findability: 5/5

An old CNET style game with simple rocks to avoid in this sideways SEU.

By the same guys who created "Crackmania", also in the archives and incomplete. This game doesn’t seem to be built for the purpose of selling, but as a training lesson in programming.

The game lacks a lot, but as you will find with "Crackmania", progress was made from this game.

Dangerzone confirmed recently by Chris as a demo uploaded to compunet to show how to use the rock sprite multiple times using a raster split interrupt. It was apparently just a different type of demo for the time. Although it was nothing ground breaking, Chris liked it. No doubt this would have been pitched to a publisher.

As this is a full game, there is no game to chase up.

Music is ripped from Hades Nebula by Ben Dalglish.

Simplistic example of programmer’s early work…

Contributions: Jason Kelk, Chris Fitzsimons

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