3 results for: Company = Piranha
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1988 Piranha

A short entry for a title which we somehow missed over the years, but was flagged up to us by Ross Sillifant. This was an arcade style game which was due on the Spectrum/C64 and ST in June 1988, being … Continue reading

Halo Jones

1987 Piranha

Also known as: The Ballard of Halo Jones

Following on from a series of 2000AD themed games, Halo Jones was the next in line from Piranha on their ambitious (And eventually fateful) climb forwards in the games market. Halo Jones was rather different to the other titles, and … Continue reading

Judge Death

1987 Piranha

Judge Death thumbnail

Also known as: Horror City, Judge Anderson

A 3D Operation Wolf style blaster featuring 2000 AD’s Barbie lookalike Psi-Judge Anderson gunning down the evil Judge Death’s zombie hordes. Unlike previous games of this genre, Judge Death actually showed your hand clasping the lethal Lawgiver (gun favoured by … Continue reading