The Magic Garden Talking Book Series


Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

A short entry for a title that may or may not have ever been released.

This was an educational title that was to be released by Commodore on cartridge, and supporting the Magic Voice module. According though to the advert, it was also to be released on disk. The description of The Magic Garden was as so in an advert:

(Ages 4-8) The Magic Garden is a series of five animated Talking Books which helps your child read by using the Magic Voice Speech Module. Simply indicate any word in the story and hear it spoken.

With the help of two characters that are present in all 5 stories, Tom and Mr. Bee, your child can learn such concepts as shapes and colours, counting relative size, etc (Diskette)

Although advertised and listed, it doesn’t seem to have surfaced for reasons as yet unknown.

Do you know anything more about it and can you help preserve it?

Contributions: Fabrizio Bartoloni, @cassyan128

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