Bruce Lee 2


Status: Preview, Findability: 2/5

bruce lee2 2

There have been numerous updates to Bruce Lee (the classic Datasoft game from 1984) over the years, and there was also once another from Andrea Schincaglia and Saul Cross in 2014.

A sooped up version of the original game with new graphics, sounds and map – but featuring many of the concepts that made the original so great.

Unfortunately it didn’t seem to get any further than some concept screens, graphics and music. A slideshow of some of the screens were released.

Just a year later, it seems some of at least Saul’s work may have been re-used for a similar themed game called Tiger Claw. A different developer though by the looks of it.

We hope to learn more soon as to why this conversion was abandoned, and if it got any further than the slideshow demo we have here.

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