Captain Stark


Status: Full Game, Findability: 5/5

A game by Frank Herrman, which was to be sold by the Tronic Verlag (those who published the ‘ASM’), but it was never seen.

It was judged as a very good and playable game. The description given in the magazine was that the game was to be a Sokoban-clone but with some more action like nasty aliens to blast away, teleport fields and locked doors, bombs, shields and some more extras.

So, what happened to this one?…. Well, thanks very much to Marco Das, the game was actually released via ASM-Microwelle on December 1988’s edition. Marco tracked down the game and has fully preserved it all with scans and 2 original D64 files, which you can download from here.

So to conclude – this game WAS released and here it is in its original form! Thanks Marco!

Case closed!

Contributions: Zeldin, Georg "Endurion" Rottensteiner, Marco Das, Asphodel

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Update history

01/11/15 – Full game and scans shown. Game WAS released, so case closed!

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Captain Stark

    • Cheers Asphodel! Good timing, as i’ve also just been sent some scans and bits from Marco Das = who created the entry on the Retrocollector website. Just adding now :)

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