“Starting life as a humble molecule in the Pre-Cambrian age, you progress through this exciting ten-level game to the Dawn of Early Man – if you are clever enough!
Create the ideal fish, play a new kind of ‘Snap’, judge climates for your gradually evolving creature. An original combination of puzzles, arcade action and computerized board games.”
A C64 only title which sounds very interesting indeed, but one which has never surfaced. It shows up as missing within Gamebase, so it is known about – but did it ever get a release?
Well, it seems it did!… Bo Gøran Kvamme has an original of the game, so it was released – although in limited numbers it seems. Full cover scans are missing at the moment, but we have added photos of the tape and cover thanks to Liqmatrix and Edwin Drost. Edwin has shown photos of his own tape, and Liqmatrix found an ebay auction where the game sold in 2022 that had some photos.
Check out the game both here and also from C64tapes.org where the game was originally preserved by Bo!… http://c64tapes.org/title.php ?id=5524
So this is no longer a GTW, but we’ll keep the entry until fully recognised in Gamebase64.
Case closed!…
Contributions: Peter Weighill, Bo Goran Kvamme, Adam Carlton, Edwin Drost, Liqmatrix
Supporting content
Available downloads
- Game_Inthebeginning.zip (zip)
Update history
- 10/02/22 – Added ebay auction photos thanks to Liqmatrix for the heads up. Sad I missed this for only £10 :(
- 09/02/22 – Added photos of tape thanks to Edwin Drost
I have this game on cassette, inlay and all. What should I do with it?
Many thanks Jeffrey – the game has already been preserved and added to the page, so we no longer need a copy. The entry has had its case closed, but thanks for getting in touch.
I went through my C64 collection again and I have found this;
PS: Alas, now only the tape.
That’s great, thanks Edwin! I’ll get the images added to the post with credit to you.
I used to have this game, I can’t remember much about it, only that the cover may have been beige in colour and on the back warned of a 13 minute loading time!