Lupin 3

Magnetica Team

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

Lupin III was to be a licenced game based on the Japanese Manga series ( and written by the Magnetica Team which consisted of:

Giuseppe Tresoldi – graphics and game designer
Omid Ehsani – C64 developer
Gerardo Iula – Amiga developer and graphic artist
Emiliano Gusmini – ST developer, graphic artist and musician

The following was mentioned in an interview with the developers about the projected licence (Italian edition of C+VG,
issue 6, June 1991

[INTERVIEWER] OK. What kind of projects do you have for the future?

[DEVS] F1 GP was originally meant to be titled ‘Fastest Engine’: we would happy to make a comical edition titled ‘Farmer’s Engine’, with and cows instead of cars. Then we want to gather enough many routines to create a powerful and reliable development system. We even got in touch with some English [software] houses and there is risk that we could finally make real an old project of ours: the game of Lupin III!

[INTERVIEWER] I want it!

[DEVS] Well, planning is at a good stage, it’s all about whether somebody will buy the rights to the character.

Unfortunately it seems that the licence didn’t quite happen – but did anything of the game get started?

More information needed!

Contributions: Fabrizio Bartoloni, Andrea Pachetti

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