Now, this title has been in GTW64 before many moons ago – and was swiftly taken out – as it was believed that the game was just released as “The Chess Game” by Microclassic. Zzap strangely had reviewed the game back in 1986 as a £3.95 cassette game – but no-one had seen or heard of it.
However, some digging by @TheyWereOurGods and @gurtygurt has revealed that the title was in fact released a year before by the same company under the name of “The Chess Game”. “Night Walker” seems to be a re-release of the title which possibly didn’t sell very well first time round and was launched to make up some sales.
It is suggested that Microclassic only sold games via mail-order, so it could have been sold in very limited numbers. They don’t seem to have done many other games if any at all on the C64. Did Night Walker make it out at all?
But why search for a game which we already have saved? Well, it is entirely possible that Night Walker was released with a different inlay, loading screen, improvements etc. These are all things worth digitally preserving, and so we add the game to the archives to begin a search for this limited release budget title.
Do you know any more about it? Do you have a copy which we can preserve?
Contributions: TheyWereOurGods, gurtygurt