Very short entry for a currently unpreserved and missing Stack Light Rifle game which was written by Frank Barchard. An auction came up for the light gun in recent years and was spotted by Martin/Stadium 64. Most of the games … Continue reading →
Scooter was one of a few titles advertised by Electric Dreams back in issue 8 of Zzap 64 games. Nuclear Nick was to be part of a double pack with a game called Scooter. It never quite surfaced, but after … Continue reading →
An odd entry this time, covering something which I was actually involved on :-) Tanx was to be an enhanced version of a game called Tanx written by David Ponting for Your 64 magazine as a type-in. The original game … Continue reading →
Another compilation of games (Like with the CDU based games) which seem to be missing, and many we believe could well be GTW’s. These were advertised in Your Computer back in 1986 as part of their software exchange… There are … Continue reading →
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