I’m unsure why this isn’t in GTW already, but its on our wanted list! :) …. This is a two player duel based game which was being created by Seppo Aikas back in 2003.
A preview has been out in the wild for many years.
Seppo produced the early preview of the game, and was seeking a graphics guy to create all the playfields, but sadly no one wanted to do them. At the same time, Seppo graduated from University, met his wife and began a new life as a honoured citizen. A few years later, Seppo sold all of his Commodore stuff, including all his Amebas work disks unfortunately.
Seppo released the preview which we have here into the Commodore Scene database. Richard Bayliss contributed and did some sprites, as the originals were bad according to Seppo. Richard was to do more sprites for the game, but as no playfield creator was found to do that part of the graphics, Richard didn’t create any more as the project faltered.
The preview itself is a lot more than it seems. For example, Seppo mentions that there is an option for breaking blocks incase someone hits them, mathematics for the wind calculations and other parts of the game is quite solid too. There is even some AI built in, but is best played with 2 players.
It was mentioned that there was another playfield created which created breaking blocks for collision testing, and a simple title screen test, but these are sadly all gone. Sadly Seppo confirms that apart from the preview, there is sadly no more of the game to be found. A guy in Finland bought all of Seppo’s C64 stuff, and probably has his work disks still – unless he comes forward, any remains of this game are lost forever. The game will never be completed either, as real life has taken over and there is no time to complete things.
A shame that this never quite fully got off the ground…
Contributions: Seppo Aikas