Another unreleased game which was a planned conversion by Storm for the C64. The game was mentioned from various sources, including Commodore Power, issue 1, page 9 – saying… "Mindscape have finally given the Battletoads (NES’s superheroes) a home. After … Continue reading →
Big Run was the Jaleco coin-op based on the Paris to Dakkar rally which includes a very tough rally car which can be crashed into anything and still plod on. Popular in the arcades, this C64 conversion was part of … Continue reading →
Brute Force was a fairly unheard of arcade game by the creators of Ivan Ironman’s Offroad Racer, Leyland Corp. This was a double dragon style beat-em-up which featured your usual violence and weapons. Not surprisingly, the game was planned for … Continue reading →
Another brief entry for an Arcade conversion which never was. Combatribes was a kind of Double Dragon beat-em-up by Technos which we think was being converted by Storm. It did make a transition onto the SNES, but sadly not the … Continue reading →
Another interesting GTW entry this time which has information collaborated from Fabrizio and also Bonaventura Di Bello, famous co-founder of Brainstorm Enterprise. Death Workshop (Also known in Italian as La bottega della morte) was to be a text adventure game … Continue reading →
Based on the film. Pretty poor on other platforms, and the C64 may well have followed their downfalls. Some scenes had you controlling yourself in cyberspace flying past obstacles etc. The rest of the game was a sub-standard platform game … Continue reading →
Another interesting GTW entry, which has information collaborated from Fabrizio and also Bonaventura Di Bello, famous co-founder of Brainstorm Enterprise. New Pasqua was a text adventure game first written as a storyline with hand-sketched illustrations. We’re a little unsure of … Continue reading →
Although eventually released, we are led to believe that there was an earlier version of Rodland on the C64 by Steve Snake, which was much different to the version that was eventually complete. So we enter Rodland V1 into the … Continue reading →
Another interesting GTW entry this time which has information collaborated from Fabrizio and also Bonaventura Di Bello, famous co-founder of Brainstorm Enterprise. Sips of Terror was to be a text adventure game which first was being written as a storyline … Continue reading →

A famous sequel to a famous series of games, Solar Jetman was released on the NES platform, and other 8-bit conversions were planned, including the C64 and Spectrum. A little news snippet was mentioned once in Zzap about the conversion … Continue reading →