
Daniel Krajzewicz

Status: No Download, Findability: 5/5

brainbreak 1

A short entry for a title which ended up with a happy ending in 2022. BrainBreak is a tile/puzzle game that was due for release back in 1993, but for reasons as yet unknown was put on hold for many years.

Around 2020, the game’s developer Daniel Krajzewicz decided to resurrect the game and tried to get interest via a Kickstarter to fund it to completion.

When this didn’t happen, Daniel proceeded to finish the game anyway and has now been able to release the game via and Psytronik (in physical form).

Check out the game for yourself at the links below, and a great end to what was once a cancelled game.

With thanks to Zack for the spelling correction.

Contributions: Ken Knight

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