“Plan your strategy to save the good wizard from the evil Djinn. This supernatural spirit has materialized as a fire demon and has carried the good wizard off to his lair. You must fetch the wizard and transport him home.
Don’t drop him into the lava pit – he’ll turn into a ball of flame! If you can manage to get the wizard back to his castle, you’ll be endowed with magical powers to take vengeance on the evil Djinn.”
This pretty much sums up Djinn, a early game from Creative Software which was mentioned in their 1984 catelogue. The entry came with a screenshot which you can see, and was Commodore 64 only we believe.
Sadly nothing has surfaced of the game, so either it hasn’t been found and preserved yet, or it never got released for reasons unknown. We know little more about the game, but Gaz Spence made a good link to DragonHawk, which features a similar bird sprite and similiar style of shading on the castle as with the mountains. Therefore we may have our credits for this game to track down?
Was it a spiritual successor to DragonHawk? We hope to find out soon!
Contributions: Marco Das, Gaz Spence
Hi Frank, on account of the similar looking player sprite, could this game be related to DragonHawk, which was released by Creative Software in 83 or 84?
Gaz, I think you’re on the money! Sprite looks very similiar, and the shading on the castle looks similiar to the shading on the mountains in DragonHawk! Updated the credits and write up. Cheers! :)