Eagle Storm

Players Software

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

A very quick entry for a title we know very little about.

Eagle Storm was a title listed in the Screen Test Budgets section of ACE magazine (Issue 20, May 1989 – Page 66) as coming soon.

The game however never surfaced and doesn’t seem to have come out on any other platforms, even though Spectrum was listed as one of the platforms to expect a release.

In 1991 however, there was a game called Hawk Storm, which may well have been the game – or maybe a sequel of sorts. We are not sure just yet, and need confirmation.

Fabrizio Baroloni found a news item in ASM issue 67 of 1989, where Rob Cobain was responsible for the launch of the Players Premier line up. This mentioned a number of titles including this one here. We’ve added the text within the articles segment and the scan.

Do you know any more?

Contributions: Fabrizio Bartoloni

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New Players Label

The INTERCEPTOR LTD company, which has made a name for itself with the PLAYERS titles, has now launched a new budget label: PLAYERS PREMIER.

“Why,” I asked Rod Cobain, the man responsible for PLAYERS, “is it necessary to bring another budget label to the market?”

Rod indicated that PREMIER will feature slightly better and slightly more expensive (approx. 15 marks per tape) titles in the series. They will continue to focus on the 8-bit sector (C-64, Amstrad & Spectrum), with the C-64 being the most strongly represented.

One title that I had a brief look at was STREET CRED’ BOXING: A New York boxing club gets into financial trouble. In order to stay afloat, $50,000 is needed. The player fights his way through with his colleagues to raise the money. The best outcome would be to reach the final at least…

The graphics are mediocre, the controls are precise, and the gameplay is what we’re used to. In return for the 15 marks, you get a good game that combines training, sparring, fights, and street fights.

Further titles that will soon be available: STREET CRED’ FOOTBALL, EAGLE STORM, BATTLE TRUCK, VIETNAM GUNBOAT, […]

Update history

24/09/24 – Added notes about Premier Plus label thanks to Fabrizio.

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2 Responses to Eagle Storm

  1. According to ASM issue 67 of 1989, Rob Cobain was responsible for the launch of the Players Premier line up, I’ve double checked and also Battle Truck listed didn’t see a release (it’s already featured here at GTW64), ditto for Vietnam Gunboat:

    “Neues Players- Label ”

    SNIP (Frank – Moved into the main page under Articles)

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