

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

Also known as: Vietnam Gunboat

We’re not entirely sure if this actually got completed, but Accolade were still producing C64 games in 1990 (and even 1991), so its entirely feasible that Gunboat was being produced for the C64.

The game got fair reviews and even got a release on the ZX Spectrum and the Amstrad CPC. Interestingly, an advert for the game misses out the C64 in the list of platforms, but a review of the game indicates a C64 version was due. Did the C64 hit any specific troubles compared to the others?

Another interesting point is that the Accolade version is missing in action, and only DroSoft released the game. Patrick Furlong suggests that he had an Accolade version on the Amstrad.

So what happened to the C64 version? Was it just considered too poor in comparison to the 16-bit versions to be released and possibly after poor Spectrum/Amstrad conversions?

Contributor Hank suggests that the Code Monkeys, who did the Spectrum version – also did C64 work too. However, Mark Kirkby confirmed that they did not do a C64 version, although it was considered. Was it therefore outsourced?

What is very strange is that Players Premier are linked to the game in the form of Vietnam Gunboat (of which we have a separate entry for) – which seems to be the very same game. Italian magazine MC Computer covers the Accolade game, but calls it Vietnam Gunboat.

So, did Accolade have their own C64 version in development, or did they approach Players Software to do the conversion for them and a special deal for them to release? We’ll keep this entry for now, but could well merge the two in the future.

Contributions: Patrick Furlong, Hank, Mark Kirkby, Anonymous Contributor

Supporting content

Creator speaks

Mark Kirkby talks about a potential C64 conversion:

“I did write the Spectrum, CPC and PC engine versions for Accolade by converting the original PC code but there was never a version done for the C64.

Chris Bankston who was our producer at Accolade at the time did suggest it would be possible to do a C64 version since we had done the PC engine. (The PC engine CPU instruction set is very close to the 6510 used in the C64). Unfortunately it would only have been possible in pure wireframe (non-filled polys) which they were not happy with. The PC engine CPU ran at 7.62Mhz, the C64 at 1MHz so you can see the problem…”

Update history

  • 30/05/24 – Interesting link to Players game of same name.
  • 25/10/13 – Mark Kirby confirms that Code Monkeys had nothing to do with the C64 version. Short creator speaks added.
  • 15/10/13 – Added details about DroSoft release and potential of Code Monkeys being behind the C64 version.
  • 24/09/13 – Patrick Furlong confirms that Amstrad version existed as he owned it.
Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 6 Comments

6 Responses to Gunboat

  1. Definitely no C64 version done. Did the PC Engine/ Turbografx 16 version and Accolade suggested the C64 could be done as the PC engine had a 6502 core but it also ran at 7.62Mhz as opposed to just 1Mhz & they didn’t want it just wireframe only.

    We never got copies of the final Spectrum version so not sure if it ever got out there.

    • Thanks for confirming Mark. Oddly it looks like it was certainly released in Spain, but the Accolade edition in the UK is at large. I believe that someone mentioned once they had the Amstrad edition by Accolade – so my guess is that it was released, just in limited numbers.

  2. I wonder if it’s worth pursuing any link between the 8-bit versions in more detail.

    According to this the Accolade Spectrum release is MIA – the ROM they have available there is the Spanish release from DroSoft. Is the CPC version the only 8-bit version released by Accolade themselves?

    I remember The Code Monkeys definitely did C64 work (E-Motion), so perhaps worth tracking down Mark Kirby?

    • Good spot – I think it is. I’ve contacted Mark Kirkby to check if he had any involvement on it, so we’ll go from there. Cheers Hank!

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