
Thomas Mittelmeyer

Status: Preview, Findability: 3/5

A graphically nice looking Arkanoid clone, featuring background images from various games and demo’s. The game was being developed by Thomas Mittelmeyer around 1993/94 – who is famous critically for Lemmings on the C64.

More polished looking than Arkanoid, but not quite containing the right feel that Arkanoid had to it. The preview shows a pretty much complete game, with many different levels with a different backdrop. It looks as if only a little bit more work was needed to complete this one.

It was likely that this game was mean’t for a German game disk, like Magic Disk or something, though this needs confirming.

Recently it seems (and thanks to Gaz Spence for highlighting!) another preview has surfaced, which is far more polished – with a title screen and what seems to be a functioning level editor. There were the credits too which helps paint more of a picture about what may have happened to the game.

It is likely that Thomas started working on this title for someone like Commodore Force magazine (to release like his Relax game) or someone else, when the Lemmings gig came up and took over proceedings. Possibly by the time Lemmings was all done and dusted, he felt it was time to move onto other platforms. The 1994 date may be when Thomas released the game into the wild in its final state. We’ll have to find out from Thomas himself I think!

Arkanoid meets Krestology… kinda…

Contributions: Gaz Spence

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Update history

13/11/14 – Gaz Spence flags up another preview surfacing in GB64 and credits!

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Paranoid

  1. On GB64 there is this preview and another rather different (later?) looking preview of Paranoid. The other version to the one featured here includes credits, so is worth checking out.

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