Being created by Marc Dawson (BC Bill and Mega Games), 11th Time Period involved travelling through time, through Roman, Greek and various periods. Each period consisted of a platform game based level where you had to fight your way through … Continue reading →
Already GTW pays host to a number of Ultimate games which never saw the light of day, and we bring yet another title which seems to have been considered for the C64 at some point. Where we had Lunar Jetman … Continue reading →
A very quick entry until we get more details, but this was to be a planned 3rd game in the series of the Yesod games by Odin. Unfortunately it only got as far as a proposal on 3 sheets of … Continue reading →

Also known as: Jet Set Willy 3
Incredibly rich from his exploits in Manic Miner and partying away in Jet Set Willy, the third instalment was apparently to see our intrepid hero up against the bane of the nouvelle riche, the tax office!… The actual name for … Continue reading →