Heart Of Yesod


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A very quick entry until we get more details, but this was to be a planned 3rd game in the series of the Yesod games by Odin.

Unfortunately it only got as far as a proposal on 3 sheets of paper and was never actually started. The game was inspired by The Lion and The Witch And The Wardrobe, and Mr Ben. Your hero was to be able to explore distanct worlds via a portal in his attic with 4 costumes to change into.

The game would have been a vertically scrolling platformer with a greater variety of foes and environments – with references to Manic Miner and Heartland in places.

All sounds brilliant, but it was literally only a document that was produced. It would be great to see this document (most likely Steve Wetherill), but we need to find out who created it and if it still exists to be able to see it possibly preserved here.

Do you know any more?

Contributions: Ross Sillifant

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5 Responses to Heart Of Yesod

  1. It was detailed in Edge Issue 176 (june 2007) in the making of Nodes Of Yesod.Documents are shown in photo, so someone must have had them back then…

  2. It was mentioned in Edge Magazines Making Of Nodes Of Yesod and documents are shown (in a photo).

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