Again thanks to Cybergoth, we are able to mention yet another Activision game which has not seen the light of day, and one which has a lot of mystery surrounding it… mainly because we’ve never bloody heard of it until … Continue reading →
Exodus was to be a very ambitious war game which was described by its developer as a mix of Elite, Civilization and Traveler RPG. Paul Clansey was the C64 developer and shed some light on a development not really mentioned … Continue reading →
Another strange entry into the GTW64 vaults, where Activision had planned to release a tape version of Gee Bee Air Rally. Magazines of the time even reviewed the game and mentioned a tape version in the price list. Of course, … Continue reading →
Our next entry is for a title from the creators of Mindfighter by Activision, developed by Abstract Concepts and mentioned within the manual. We assume therefore that Activision were set to release the game around 1989 time. Little is known … Continue reading →
A short entry for now of what we believe may have been a working title (or not quite remembered correctly by Peter Kaminski). Whilst talking about Pyramid of Time, Peter recalled a title that Russell Lieblich was working on around … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for a title which may well be vapourware, but was briefly mentioned in the news pages of Zzap Italia back in 1987. Legendary Wings was a famous 1986 Capcom arcade which strangely never got a conversion, … Continue reading →
An interesting conversion which never seems to have got much spotlight, but was indeed a C64 conversion in the workings. Confirmation made by the screenshots printed in Commodore User magazine back in the time. This was kind of a cross … Continue reading →
Mentioned in a US sales catalogue, Main Event was to be a wrestling title released by Activision and was a conversion of the Konami arcade game The Main Event. It is a game that was never really heard about in … Continue reading →
Our next entry is for a very bizarre and ambitious title that was due for release back in the late 1980s by Activision. Written by Jennifer Diane Reitz and Stephen P. Lepisto. The game was to be released for C64 … Continue reading →
Our next entry is for a title from the creators of Mindfighter by Activision, developed by Abstract Concepts and mentioned within the manual. We assume therefore that Activision were set to release the game around 1989 time. Little is known … Continue reading →
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