Thanks to Fabrizio for picking up on this one, but in an interview with Matthew Hubbard (2600 developer), he mentioned that he worked on a C64 game called Queen Bee that never saw the light of day. He mentioned also … Continue reading →
Well, it seems it may well have been in production for the old breadbin, even after the mess of the first game. Issue #59 of Zzap 64 announced that Activision had gained the licence for R-Type 2, and work was … Continue reading →
An interesting entry for our next title. Activision have a history of different versions of their games existing – Wonderboy, Afterburner, Time Scanner, Enduro Racer, Karnov to name a few. Could Rampage have been yet another to add to the … Continue reading →
A title we know very little about from the press, apart from the fact that the name was mentioned in C&VG January 1990. They mentioned that the game was a film licence coming soon along with Die Hard. The first … Continue reading →
More Activision for GTW, and this time a graphic adventure game called "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", based on the Science-Fiction novel from Robert A. Heinlein ( ). All we know is that Charles H Weidman is linked … Continue reading →
Yes, Time Scanner was actually released on the C64, and many of you can claim to own it. But how many of you can claim to own the version that should have been? Or should we say “versions”? In July … Continue reading →
Some years ago I was talking on the Lemon 64 of a strange recollection of a rather different looking version of the C64 Wonderboy. I had the budget edition of the game, which I played to death – but also … Continue reading →
Initially released on the Spectrum by Activision, before being re-released by Mastertronic, Xcel is described by Sinclair User as Star Trek, Space Invaders and Centipede rolled into one. Sadly the game is denied so not available for download on World … Continue reading →
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