Percy Paul Brunings

Status: Preview, Findability: 2/5

zeIII 1

Ze-III is a sideways scrolling shooter, where you must clear various attack waves before moving onto a new attack wave.

It’s fairly simple overall, and nothing to shout about – but it has been nicely done and could have made for a good simple budget release back in 1989.

It seems the preview was released with promise of more, and then just disappeared with nothing more said about it. We’re unsure if the game was completed and released under a different name, so if you know anything more about it – then please do get in touch.

Thankfully this preview at least managed to sneak out, so check it out for yourself.

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Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Ze-III

    • Thanks Gaz, no worries – happy for you to have the credit finding Percy. Many thanks and i’ll try and get in touch with them. All good thanks, though a bit too hot! Hope you are well too!

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