Rick Dangerous 3


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A brief entry for a title that never got very far… not very far at all!

At the end of Rick Dangerous 2, things are left open – suggesting that a 3rd game was going to continue the adventures of Rick Dangerous. However it was never to be, and the character was never revisited, apart from a 2 1/2 demo game on an Amiga covermount.

Had a 3rd game been planned, it may have skipped the C64 platform anyway due to Core moving away from the platform shortly after Rick Dangerous 2 was released. But Simon Phipps confirmed that they kept it deliberately open, but there was no demand to do a 3rd game and in the end they just never came back to it or did anything more. They moved onto new projects and Rick was retired off …

It was thought that Tomb Raider originally started out as a Rick Dangerous title, but this was never the case. Simon suggests that if Rick was to come back, it may have been in a 1970’s Austin Powers way, but if he ever does … it will never be on the C64!

So with nothing ever started, it is a nice and simple case closed!

Contributions: Fabrizio Bartoloni, Ross Sillifant

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Update history

20/10/14 – Thanks to Ross Sillifant, Simon Phipps confirms that no 3rd game was ever started. Case closed!

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Rick Dangerous 3

  1. :-) Yep, Simon was an utter star, as always.I emailed him the question of Rick Dangerous 3, got an email back with link to above video within hours.

  2. :-( It’s been a few weeks since i emailed Jeremy Smith (and getting his email required a huge amount of work in itself) and heard nothing back, so that looks like a dead-end.

    There is someone i can (and will) ask though…i’ll report back.

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