Software House

Cult games

Status: No Download, Findability: 5/5

Software House is a management game where you must manage a software house, buy in titles and sell them on for maximum profit. This particular Cult game was nothing spectacular, but well worthy of preserving anyway!

The game exists on the Spectrum at , but the C64 Cult advertised version is missing.

However, a GTW contributor has found =6998 sitting in Gamebase 64, and indeed it seems to be the very game that Cult should have released. Do a comparison of the fields in the Spectrum shots, and the C64. It seems that the game was sold to Your Commodore and Cult did not release it. Or did Cult only release it in limited numbers and it has not been found yet?

Well, it seems the game was in fact released by CULT as confirmed here at

So it is a case closed!

Contributions: Marco, Professor Chaos, Peter Weighill, Richard Tappenden

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Update history

08/08/24 – Added scans and photos thanks to Richard Tappenden

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 8 Comments

8 Responses to Software House

  1. Hey Frank, I’ve just stumbled on this in my collection too. Did you want a scan of the inlay?

    • Hi Pete, it’s difficult to say. It’s clear from your post on Lemon64 and that the game was released, though i’ve not seen it very often. That particular cover you have is not the same as the above link, so i’d say its worth around £10 or more based on it being a little hard to come by. Maybe test the water with an auction and a starting price you are happy with as the minimum for it to go for?

    • Is the one you have for the Spectrum or C64? I have the tape only of this game for the C64. I think it was also to come out for the Amstrad 464.

      • Hi there, both the C64 and Spectrum versions were found to be released in the end. Originally we had wondered if the Cult version never saw full release, and only got leaked via Your Commodore magazine – but someone confirmed having a copy, so we closed the case.

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