Star Maze


Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

Part of an educational series, Star Maze is one of around 6 which is sadly missing and one which may have been released, but is very possible that it didn’t quite make it out.

We’re not 100% sure what happened to it, and what it was about, so we are lacking a lot so far for this entry. It was based for young children, and we assume was some kind of maze game which had problems at different points to be solved. Clutching at straws here… :-)

Thanks to contributor Trypticon, we learn that Mindscape announced this game in a catalogue as part of a Scott Foresman “Math Action Game Series”. Scott Foresman Publishing released it originally on the TI-99/4a. It came out later on the Apple II and Atari 8bit. Nothing on the C64 version though. Dumps of the TI and Atari versions do actually exist.

So what happened to the C64 version? Does anything of it exist? Well, Trypticon later found a museum entry for the game here:

Also thanks to Marco ‘Exile’ Das, there is a copy also on (link pending). Then thanks to Martin/Stadium 64 – the game was confirmed as being added recently to Gamebase64 – so it is now fully preserved!

Case closed!

Contributions: Marco, Trypticon, Martin/Stadium64, Marco 'Exile' Das

Supporting content

Update history

  • 05/02/23 – Game confirmed as fully preserved. Case closed!
  • 04/08/15 – Details of C64 version existence added.
Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 9 Comments

9 Responses to Star Maze

  1. Mindscape announced this in a catalog as part of a Scott Foresman “Math Action Game Series”. Scott Foresman Publishing released it originally on the TI-99/4a. It came out later on the Apple II and Atari 8bit. Dumps of the TI and Atari versions are around.

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