Star of Africa is a game which was being produced back in 1994 by Mindeye.
It is a game which is apparently based on a famous Finnish board game “Afrikan Tähti” from 1951. It was later translated to German and many other languages. Another version of the game exists elsewhere on the C64.
We don’t know too much yet about how it was found, but the game has been painstakingly translated from German and sorted out by GTW’s Jazzcat, 6R6/Nostalgia, B.A/Onslaught and Count Hadik/Depredators. Overall this has been a production done over a very long time.
The game looks impressive and comes with some cool music. Very soon we hope to learn more about it and share more of a story about the game.
But for now, this is yet another game saved from obscurity which you can now check out. We assume it would have been a commercial release had it been finished.
Check it out!
Contributions: Jazzcat, 6R6, B.A, Count Hadik, Jari, Ian Coog
Supporting content
Available downloads
- Preview_Starofafrica (zip)
Update history
29/11/13 – Fixed notes to say that it isn’t an RPG thanks to Jari, and also added credits thanks to Ian Coog!
Reviewed the game in issue#2 of Reset. Nice little game and great find. Well done to Onslaught for all of their hard work!
WOW! Great find! I’ve only just noticed this.
I’ll have a play over the holidays :)
Interesting. Unless the game was heavily modified, I wouldn’t say it’s an RPG, because it looks more like it was based on a famous Finnish board game, “Afrikan Tähti” from 1951. It was later translated to German and many other languages. I’m basing this guess on the map layout and the dice throwing button. There was another version of this game on the C64, released by Amersoft in the 1980’s, with the same title.
Apologies Jari – i’ll be honest and say that the entry was added in a bit of a rush, and I didn’t get chance to play it properly. Will update the review now! Thanks :)