The Future Zone

Compass Software

Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

This was a SEUCK game released commercially by Compass Software and reviewed by Commodore User in September 1988 in their Cheapo Round up section.

The game was panned for being dull, and containing styltifying gameplay. Overall it got 1/10.

Compass Software were more known for their adventure games, and in particular on the ZX Spectrum. But did Compass decide after the review that it was not worth releasing, or were small numbers released and sneaked out into the world? This game seems to have been part of a series, where The Micro Zone was reviewed in a previous issue and got 1/10 too….

We’d love to find it, even if just for the SEUCK vault. But are interested to see also if it had enhancements like Wheelies did back at the same/similiar time.

More soon on this we hope…

Contributions: Sean O'neill

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