

Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

At present for this title, we are merely going by a game title which was name dropped in a demo called Funitrax Banzai by Henrik Buus Jensen.

In the greetings page, Henrik greets those who are working on the game Trazers, as he was composing the music for it. Sadly there is nothing in HVSC under Henrik’s directory, so we know very little about this game.

Was it ever started? What sort of game was it?

Well, we managed to get hold of Henrik Buus Jensen, who tells GTW64 that his friend Henning Andersen (coder) and big brother, Claus Buus Jensen (graphics) were involved in developing the game. He suggested that Lars Balker Rasmussen may have been involved, but Lars confirms that he wasn’t.

Henning got in touch in 2016 and described the game as a bit like Ocean’s Parallax, with multi-scrolling. It would have had a large play area that you could fly around. Unfortunately the game play elements could not be recalled.

Sadly it was confirmed that he no longer had anything of the game, so its likely this one could be lost for good.

Contributions: Henrik Buus Jensen, Lars Balker Rasmussen, Henning Andersen

Supporting content

Update history

06/10/16 – Coder speaks a bit about the game.

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