Xanagrams is a word game of sorts with over 5000 permutations. Basically a scrabble clone :)
Patrick Furlong confirmed details of the game by mentioning that it was one of the 12 games given away with the Amstrad 464 so the year should be about 1983/1984. The image in the scan we have is identical to the CPC cover which was released under the Amsoft brand.
It was thought to be a GTW, but we now have confirmation that it WAS released, it just is a bit obscure and not many copies are known about. Adam Carlton has kindly loaned GTW one of his spare copies, and we are proud to bring you the game. Even though it is not a GTW, it was thought to be one and so we’ll keep this entry here as a record of our original search. The main thing is that the game has been preserved for the likes of Gamebase 64.
A big thank you to Luigi Di Fraia who has very kindly put up with myself and has been patient enough to produce a working version of the game for you to download. The original TAP image had some basic errors, but Luigi has fixed things up.
Indeed the game is a Scrabble clone. You select a level and you get a line or sequence of lines and letters. You then get to select a bit and you can try a letter. If it is right, then it puts it down but if you get it wrong, you lose points. You can ask for help, but it also costs points.
The creator Peter Noblett recently got in touch to say that they have created an updated version of the game at http://xanagrams.com/ and if you’d like to read more about the history of the game and how it started out, Peter has written the history here: http://xanagrams.com/xan_historyof/xan_historyof.html
Check it out, its another piece of C64 software preserved…
Case closed!…
Contributions: Unknown, Patrick Furlong, Adam Carlton, Luigi Di Fraia