Alfred J Kwak


Status: Preview, Findability: 5/5

Another title from the Twilight guys, Harold Klink and Martijn Althuizen.

Alfred J Kwak is a promising title, which although in a very early development stage, looks like a rather good Mario/Fred’s Back clone with a duck as the main character. The game would have most likely been published by a UK publisher, or by Magic Disk or similiar had it been completed.. though a licence would have had to have been granted, as the game is based on a popular cartoon character.

This game was enthusiastically in development, though sadly interest was lost with the development of the game quite early on, and it was cancelled for concentration to be made on other productions.

From the work disks of Harold and Martijn, GTW has uncovered a series of pictures and a working demo of the game, which you can move the main character, but cannot interact with the scenary of the game. It is therefore a mere glimpse of what could have been had more been done, or had the game been completed. A big thanks to Skeletor for piecing together the jigsaw which was the remains of this game!

Harold has kindly given GTW permission to enclose the source code for the game, which you can download from the link above. Enjoy!

More soon from the developers!…

Contributions: Harold Klink, Martijn Althuizen, Jazzcat, Ignorance, Mat Allen, Skeletor

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