
Sulis Software

Status: Full Game, Findability: 3/5

A short entry for a title which may well have been actually released, but is currently missing from the archives.

Bailiff was an educational game and was described as follows in an advert in Commodore User magazine:

Age guide 14 to adult

Content: 1300+ words with difficult and confusing beginnings and endings. These prefixes and suffixes cause great problems, and the only way to learn them is practice. Before you begin, you are tested to assess your level, and you are scored on the basis of this. You have to work at the spelling until you reach 100% on every round. The game – every time you spell a word right, a guest arrives at your hotel. A mistake, and you lose a guest. If you lose too many, the bank calls in the bailiffs. If you do well, you move up to a better hotel. Bailiff also has a practice option (you select the words you want to study, and work through them without playing the game); an analysis of mistakes; and a survey of words in each section.

The game was advertised alongside a number of other Sulis titles, all of which are currently in Gamebase64.

So what of Bailiff? Was it actually released, or was it perhaps cancelled for reasons currently unknown? Thanks to Stone Oakvalley, the game was found on an archived disk – but seems to be currently broken. Can anyone help get it running properly?

Hopefully we will find out more soon and get this title preserved with any luck.

Contributions: Dan Warren, Stone Oakvalley

Supporting content

Available downloads

Update history

15/05/20 – Download added – but broken.

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Bailiff

  1. “bailiff.prg” Located on:

    Seems to match description of game, all though it crashed when it reaches menu.
    You have to load it with LOAD “bailiff.prg”,8… not 8,1

    When started:
    Content: 1300+ words with difficult
    and confusing beginnings and endings.

    BAILIFF has
    * a practice option (you select the
    words you want to study and work
    through them without playing the
    * a hotel-game option;
    * an analysis of mistakes;
    * and a survey of words in each section.

    Age guide: 14 to adult.

    and menu + crash:

    f1 untimed game
    f2 timed game (slow).
    f3 timed game (fast).
    f4 view words.
    f5 return to menu.
    f6 choose spelling problems.
    f7 analysis.

    ?syntax error in 0

    Also check out:
    Page 12:
    Full page ad for Sulis Software

    • Thank you Stone! I keep forgetting to check your search engine. I apologise! I’ll take a look asap and will get this added, so thank you!

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